Alte Fahrräder an einer Mauer
Schrottauto entsorgt am Wegrand
Altes Fahrrad auf einer Brücke
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and cars found in Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and cars found in Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and cars found in Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and bicycles found in Kiel Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and cars found in Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and cars found in Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and bicycles found in Kiel Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and bicycles found in Kiel Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and bicycles found in Kiel Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and cars found in Germany
Green and red traffic lights for pedestrian and cars found in Germany
Schiff im Hamburger Hafen
Stra?enbr?cke in schwarz-wei? Negativ
Pferdekutsche in Goldgr?berstadt
Reederei, Containerschiff, Hamburg
Bow of a ship in the open ocean
Bahnschotter und Eisenbahnschiene 1
Eisenbahnschiene mit Schotter 2
Eisenbahnschiene mit Schraube und Schotter 2
Bahnschotter und Eisenbahnschiene in Schwarz-wei?
Eisenbahnschiene mit Schraube und Schotter
Winter service vehicle in use in heavy snow-fall
Winter service vehicle in use in heavy snow-fall
Winter service vehicle in use in heavy snow-fall
Winter service vehicl Winterdienstfahrzeug im Einsatz bei starkem Schneefall
Detail vom Motorrad in schwarz-wei?
Alter Leiterwagen in Schwarz-Wei?
Haltegriff als Aufstieghilfe an der Hafenmauer