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Der Walchensee ist einer der tiefsten (maximale Tiefe: 190 m) und zugleich einer der größten (16,40 km²) Alpenseen Deutschlands. Er liegt 75 km südlich von München in den Bayerischen Voralpen, auf 800 m Meereshöhe und mit seiner gesamten Fläche einsc
Bunt bemalter Stuhl
Upcycling, Stuhl bemalen
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand in an x-ray view
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand with a kirlian aura showing different symbols.
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand with a kirlian aura showing different symbols.
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand in an x-ray view
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand in an x-ray view
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand with a kirlian aura showing different symbols.
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand in an x-ray view
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand with a kirlian aura showing different symbols.
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand with a kirlian aura showing different symbols.
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand in an x-ray view
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand with a kirlian aura showing different symbols.
3D-Illustration of a glowing human male hand in an x-ray view