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Blick durch gusseiserne runde Konstruktionselemente einer historischen Ill-Br?cke in Stra?burg - View through cast iron round construction elements of historic Ill river bridge in Strasbourg
The Market in the old City of Siem Riep neat the Ankro Wat Temples in the west of Cambodia.
The Market in the old City of Siem Riep neat the Ankro Wat Temples in the west of Cambodia.
The Market in the old City of Siem Riep neat the Ankro Wat Temples in the west of Cambodia.
Kohlwei?ling an Verbenia-Bl?te
Kohlwei?ling an lila Bl?te
wei?er Schmetterling an lila Bl?ten
wei?er Falter an lila Bl?te
Kohlwei?ling im Blumengarten
alte verrostete Schrauben an einem Motorblock
alter Heiszkessel um 1940 fuer Dampfschiffe, Lee`s Ferry, Arizona, USA