Die Alte Oper am Opernplatz in Frankfurt am Main ist ein Konzert- und Veranstaltungshaus. Sie wurde 1873 bis 1880 als Opernhaus der Städtischen Bühnen erbaut und bei ei-nem Luftangriff 1944 zerstört. Während die Oper Frankfurt 1951 eine neue Spielstä
Die Alte Oper am Opernplatz in Frankfurt am Main ist ein Konzert- und Veranstaltungshaus. Sie wurde 1873 bis 1880 als Opernhaus der Städtischen Bühnen erbaut und bei ei-nem Luftangriff 1944 zerstört. Während die Oper Frankfurt 1951 eine neue Spielstä
getrocknete Fächerkoralle, Zuchtform mit einer verwirrenden Formen- und Linienvielfalt
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several cranes on constructions sites at high buildings all over Europe.
Several coins of the no longer current currency Deutsche Mark from Germany
Several coins of the no longer current currency Deutsche Mark from Germany
Violett beleuchtete Bäume
Violett beleuchter Wacholderstrauch
Violett beleuchtete Bäume
Veranstaltung Hamburg Hafen