in einer Ladengasse - Palma
Wachabl?sung - Palma de Mallorca
Park vor der Kathedrale in Palma de Mallorca
Skulptur vor der Kathedrale in Palma de Mallorca
Palma de Mallorca, Altstadt am Parc de la Mar
Palma de Mallorca, Altstadt am Parc de la Mar
Parc de la Mar in Palma de Mallorca
Parc de la Mar in Palma de Mallorca
Parc de la Mar in Palma de Mallorca
Palma de Mallorca. Skulptur vor dem Almudaina Palast
Palma de Mallorca. Skulptur vor dem Almudaina Palast
Palma de Mallorca, Wasserbrunnen am K?nigspalast
Palma de Mallorca, Wasserbrunnen am K?nigspalast
Jugendstil in Palma de Mallorca
the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
the Market Hall in the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
The Playa de las Canteras in the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
the view from the cathedral in the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
the Columbus House at the Plaza del Pilar Nuevo in the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
the Columbus House at the Plaza del Pilar Nuevo in the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
the view from the cathedral in the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.
a cafe Bar in the city Las Palmas on the Canary Island of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.