Berg Oybin mit Burg- und Klosterruine
Berg Oybin mit Burg- und Klosterruine
Berg Oybin mit Kiche und Fachwerkhäusern
Umgebindehäuser und Bergkirche in Oybin
Segelschiff auf der Kieler F?rde
Schneefl?che in der Sonne
Reifenfender am Schwimmkran
Bugansicht eines Holzsegelbootes
Fischerboot im Hafen von Nice
Arbeitsplatz des Steuermanns
Ankerleine in gruenem Wasser
The historic Grutapark with old statues of Lenin and Stalin near the town of Druskininkai in the south of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
The old Town of the City Vilnius in the Baltic State of Lithuania,
The historic Grutapark with old statues of Lenin and Stalin near the town of Druskininkai in the south of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
a House on a smal lake near the city of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
The historic Grutapark with old statues of Lenin and Stalin near the town of Druskininkai in the south of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
The historic Grutapark with old statues of Lenin and Stalin near the town of Druskininkai in the south of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
a smal lake near the city of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
The old Town of the City Vilnius in the Baltic State of Lithuania,
The old Town of the City Vilnius in the Baltic State of Lithuania,
a smal lake near the city of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
a smal lake near the city of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
a smal lake near the city of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,
the middlepoint of the continent Europe 25 km from the city of Vilnius and the Baltic State of Lithuania,